Software robot RPA works 24 hours a day

RPA (Robotic process automation)
Hi! I respect you for reading my thoughts on software robots. Why is so long? Anyone interested should read and ask.

What can my software robots be used for?

RPA is simply a tool that eliminates the manual activities currently performed by humans it uses an interface developed for humans to perform repetitive tasks

RPA Robotic Process Automation

Anna RPA

Data extract and process data in software or on the web. Copy and paste the specified part of the text with my RPA software robots, fill in the form automatically.
Examine changes in data and send notification of it. Save files to your computer or interpret and send emails, save email attachments to the right place i.e. log in to websites with a user/password pair. Capture information from web pages, initiate transactions with them, perform calculations and then automatically transfer data between systems andgenerate files or modify.
My RPA software robots can also react to events so real-time system is possible etc. so to do any activity thatrepetitive task on the computer provided you do not need other forms of introduction, e.g. RPA cannot scan documents but scanned documents can be processed automatically.

Increasing efficiency?

Production environment e.g. can also be used to process data collected by sensors, which can be used for high-value e.g. increase the efficiency of machine tools automatically generated reports from the data collected, which management can use (if they wish) to take action to increase effectiveness. Software robots are usually used to automate monotonous office work, but the potential exists to increase the efficiency of industrial production. My software robots process automation, they perform low-level and repetitive manual tasks quickly, socks that eat up workers’ time. My RPA robots reduce data errors, resulting in better quality, and lower overall costs as fewer people are needed to perform tasks, no human intervention is required, increasing productivity and efficiency. For example, my RPA software robot can simplify invoice management from start to finish by allowing it to automatically retrieve invoices from accounting systems, enter data into the invoice processing portal, and forward the invoice for approval with a thorough understanding of user screen interaction. Businesses need to develop a comprehensive plan with my help, complemented by adequate funding and continuous monitoring of performance and results. My RPA software bots, for their part, use fragile connections, and can be interrupted when the system is changed or updated. The first step in implementing my RPA robots is to determine which processes are best suited for automation. For example, repetitive, time-consuming and error-prone tasks in areas such as finance, human resources, customer service and others. During implementation, plans for improving the business processes to be automated by my RPA software robots must be carefully developed.

Can my RPA software robots work with older systems?

Yes, my RPA software robots can connect to previous operations. In companies, the company’s data storage system is usually legacy and cannot be lost. The application of my RPA software robots can be effectively integrated with CRM, SAP, Excel, etc. with its automation solutions. Repetitive tasks involving employees working on older systems can be eliminated. My software robots can be easily associated with daily tasks. One of the main concerns of leading companies is data security, all their data must be securely protected against leaks occurring during the process. When using my RPA software robots, access to sensitive data is controlled. With a solid security system, my software robot does not allow foreign intrusion into the company’s system.
My software robots can work 24 hours a day, or even several at the same time.
My apps for automating repetitive tasks have many advantages:

  1. Increased efficiency: My robots can perform tasks faster and more accurately than humans, which can increase productivity and reduce errors.
  2. Cost Savings: Automating tasks can reduce labor costs and improve overall efficiency, resulting in significant cost savings.
  3. Scalability: Bots can handle large volumes of tasks and can easily be scaled up or down to meet business needs.
  4. Improved data accuracy: My bots can automatically extract, verify and manipulate data, improving data accuracy and completeness.
  5. Flexibility: My bots can be integrated with a variety of systems and software, including legacy systems, desktop, web and virtual environments, enabling complete process automation regardless of technology stack.
  6. Compliance: Help organizations comply with regulations and standards such as GDPR by automating tasks related to data security and data protection.

Without error (because it repeats work done without error)
My software bots follow the rules and don’t look for loopholes. US invoice processing (video) CLICK HERE! (source: internet)>
They work faster than humans by orders of magnitude, it is not the execution of the process that is faster, but not e.g. gets tired, i.e. there is no downtime.
It can also be used for existing systems and processes.Sending an automatic invoice reconciliation (video) CLICK HERE! (source: internet)
There is no need to replace or develop existing software. My software robots are exactly trainable and are used for any application or website. They are flexible in operation. With a verifiable end result. Productivity increase Cost savings through my RPA software robots. Its robotization is advisable when the tasks to be performed are complicated in a standard way, based on pre-established rules and should not be too complicated and of moderate critical importance. So tasks that, according to the employees, only rob time. A special software robot, for example chatbot, gives pre-defined answers to specified keywords. Helps sales, Helps increase customer satisfaction.
Do you distinguish three levels in automation?
1. Choose software that basically knows what is needed. e.g. ERP systems that contain complex parts required by accounting, so no separate software is needed. Attention: Beware of island-like software development, so you buy programs here and there between which the data is moved manually, it is extremely expensive.

2. If you cannot find the required services in a program, choose at least a program that is capable of API communication, so they can exchange data with each other in a timed and automatic manner within a standard framework.

3, If the previous two don’t work, I can have software robots that imitate the hand movements of the live employee thus relieving the employee of the work. The system is vulnerable, if someone updates the programs on the computer, the person can automatically adapt to that, but the computer does not do what it was programmed to do. It takes time to develop, they cannot be created overnight, and they require maintenance, so it is necessary to periodically check whether they are working correctly, if not, then they need to be repaired.

If you think of the software robot, unifying financial, accounting, and manual processes, the answer is no. The tasks must be thought through and standardized. Creating process diagrams is necessary, without them I can’t see the task to be solved either. With my software robots that work together with the worker, the processes must be standardized, because one worker must not prepare the work with different steps than the other worker, the software robot cannot adapt to this. Unsupervised robot jaimar must be prepared for errors, what to do if an error occurs.

So my software robots are well suited for standardized processes, but should only be used if the appropriate software or API options have already been examined. For example, the communication of a Windows-based desktop accounting software with another web-based software on a schedule or when specific events occur.

Types of my RPA robots

My supervised RPA robots

(Attended RPA Bot) is a software robot that performs tasks with the help of workers. The employee starts it with a keyboard combination or other method. E.g. in customer support, obtain information about the given customer from other systems. The disadvantages are that the employee must be on the computer, the employee cannot use the computer while my software robot is working.

My unattended RPA robots

(Unattended RPA Bot) is directly integrated into the computer system during a given process. If required, my Unattended RPA robots can be activated automatically when a specific event occurs. Workers don’t need to start my software bots, and they don’t need to monitor them. For example, with the automated invoice processing system, the processing of received invoices can be entrusted to a software robot. The advantage is that my unattended robots do not prevent employees from working on their computers, because they working another computer. -:)

My hybrid RPA bots

Hybrid RPA Systems are a combination of Attended RPA and Unattended RPA. Several robots can work efficiently on the same computer, one of which is my supervised software robot and the other is my unsupervised software robot. This software robot system can automate most tasks without human intervention.
Difference between supervised and unsupervised RPA bots

Supervised RPA in Bot Unattended RPA Bot
Performs the duties of employees WHAT Automate back-office operations at scale
Awaiting human intervention HOW Works without human intervention
It is driven by employees WHEN Triggered by event, rule, or scheduleable

Where can a software robot work?
My software robot can perform its work in a digital environment, if the physical printing and mailing of the receipt is part of a process then it cannot be used, whereas if the mailing is done through an e-service provider then it is.

The software robot can work with uniform data, for example a table. Shall I give you an example? Email text written by customers is not suitable for processing my basic software robots, but if we supplement it with a task-solving algorithm controlled based on keywords stored in a background database, it is already suitable. Invoices, customers, etc. the processing of documents by an automatic software robot also requires more effort

In order to recover the costs of the software robot as soon as possible, it is necessary to run the software robot many times daily, hourly, etc. regularly. so the human execution of the process, which we replace with a software robot, should be repeated as often as possible, e.g. centralized orders, etc.

Important things?

The tasks to be robotized must be broken down into mini steps, especially the preparation for errors (e.g. resized window, non-responsive data, etc. data). The work to be performed by the software robot must be described in detail together with possible errors. During the execution of the work, human intervention may be necessary: ​​e.g. it’s like the red light on machine tools. For the operation of finished software robots, a person is needed for their further development and programming, but by definition a highly trained developer and not on a permanent basis.
How is the software robot developed?

Complexity control because the robot only performs the same repetitive tasks, it does not think like a human.
Savings rate, so does the software robot make sense for that task?
The software robot can only perform work that can be described by rules. For example, if it turns out during preliminary flow chart planning that a more complex decision is required than “if” decisions, then it is not a software robot’s task.
Automation options are divided into several categories: light, medium and complex software robots with lengthy development requirements.
When automating processes, a work plan must be prepared and adhered to.
My software robots do what they are taught, they are robots, if, for example, a new window pops up and the robot is not taught the solution, my software robot stops with an error.
The process owners explain the business process to be automated in great detail.
You have to think about all possible outcomes, branches, errors. (e.g. the java application may freeze, the php processing process may time out, etc.)
These are included in a Process Design Document, containing a detailed description of the process to be automated step by step and with precise wording. Added with screenshots for clarity. When a document is good, if a user who does not know the process, company, and applications can go through it without error and this can also be a test of the document.
After recording the necessary development tasks, the necessary time and costs and business benefits can be estimated.

RPA Robotic Process Automation

Emma My robot accountant

The difference between my software robots and your traditional systems is that RPA implements the automation of operations thanks to various functions, including an interface designed for human use. Whereas the traditional system did not, where, for example, API integration or database connection was needed for cooperation between systems. However, I must note that RPA cannot preserve or share data, like systems, and in modern data processing, it is necessary to try to minimize spreadsheet operators (e.g. Excel) because the data included in it is very difficult to process .
What can my software robot do?
computer managemente keyboard and mouse .
start and stop application
data collection, organization and analysis
execute a scheduled job
data transmission and reception between applications
data connection between the in-house system and business applications
error handling and automatic response with conditional branch setting and coupling with AI function

Disadvantages of software bots?

If the data is not properly updated by hand, the robots in RPA simply follow their instructions and process the data according to the given instructions. This can result in erroneous results if no one manually corrects the data to account for these changes before the bots begin processing. Of course, checking functions can be built in, but while people are able to detect incorrect references in the data during their manual work, robots are not able to identify such errors. RPA is not a hands-on system that can be left to solve problems on its own; requires people to maintain and check proper operation. In order to make effective use of RPA, it is essential to assign roles to both humans and robots, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the technology.

Mistakes that people make with my software bots?

Automate a process you don’t fully understand….then how do you want to model it.
RPA involves working with spreadsheet processes, but the spreadsheets themselves are often full of errorsso the result is also an error
By updating software, the workspace of my RPA software robot changesof course, security updates are needed, but then my RPA software robot also needs to be updated, it is not AI.
My RPA software robot follows the prescribed instructions, but does not make decisions … in some areas of need there is only machine learning

What or Who is my RPA software robot?

A robotic worker or robotic process automation in accounting refers to the use of software robots to reduce the amount of human labor required to process accounting transactions. You can Eliminate the manual copying and pasting of data between different applications. My accounting software bots are similar to Excel macros. But the key difference between them is that instead of being limited to a macro running in Excel, my RPA software robot runs in any accounting application it can work with. Think of RPA as a macro that can tell three applications what to do instead of Excel. My RPA software robot is not a magical thing or a stand-alone solution for improving accounting’s modern business processes. However, if you carefully pair it with an adequate in-depth accounting process analysis and standardization of work before implementation, my RPA software robots can deliver good results beyond any new system infrastructure implementation in 3-6 months. My software robots work at the level of micro-tasks where large systems do not. My RPA software robot is not limited to one part of the process – it can be applied to several processes at the same time; debts, receivables, financial closing, audit work, financial planning and analysis, cost management, etc.
RPA design?
When designing my successful RPA software robot, I create automation diagrams that set measurable business goals for each business. I can also calculate a specific timeline for achieving the goal. One of the critical elements of the monitoring phase when designing my RPA software robots is to automate the simplest processes and gradually move to the more difficult ones. You can take advantage of my PRA software robot when you automate the entire process.


RPA payroll can be used to perform various payroll tasks. In this way, the payroll tasks become automatic, and the company does not have to do them manually, unless there is an interim calculation. RPA applications should perform payroll and contribution tasks with the help of the existing software. The administrator should make changes to your employee data. The RPA system also manages employee numbers. This means that you can record the data of new employees. RPA robots also automatically pay landlords, so time-consuming rental processes take place without a dispute. The application of RPA significantly improves the efficiency of payroll systems. The system allows us to make the payroll processes faster and smoother. RPA robots are faster and more accurate in data processing. My RPA robots can record all the data of the employees and process them automatically, so manual execution of administrative tasks can be completely saved. RPA applications perform payroll processes with zero possibility of error. The RPA system automatically analyzes the necessary data and can check its correctness. Who is recommended to use the RPA payroll system? The RPA payroll system is recommended for all companies whose payroll is complicated and time-consuming. These systems can reduce administrative tasks, save time and costs, and increase employee productivity, RPA is a more economical and efficient solution to payroll tasks. RPA payroll can be used to easily and efficiently remove complicated administrations at the company. The application of RPA is a solution for tasks that can be performed with the efficiency of estimating difficult work, increases your productivity. The application of RPA is a profitable and forward-looking solution for those who want to reduce administrative burdens and optimize payroll. Where the payroll process is manual and time-consuming.

Development of RPA payroll system

The RPA payroll system is developed in several steps. The first step in the automation process is process recognition. With an RPA payroll system, you need to identify all manual or repetitive processes. RPA software design is necessary for automation. We collect all data sources required for automated processes for payroll. Importing data becomes easier with the RPA payroll system. With the RPA payroll system, automatic calculations make payroll processes easier. With the RPA payroll system, we can assign restrictions, regulations and expectations to certain processes. The development of the RPA payroll system varies depending on the company and the complexity of the system. It usually lasts 4-6 months.

Events in the RPA payroll system

Even though RPA systems can provide significant benefits, certain errors and problems can occur when the system fails. Incorrect payment amounts, Missed payments, Incorrect taxes and deductions. In the case of RPA payroll systems, one of the central causes of errors and problems that occur is due to the complex tax and taxation system. Companies should conduct regular audits of their RPA payroll systems. During the inspections, the operator must check all calculations, payment amounts and tax returns, as well as the customer database. With regard to RPA payroll systems, the best solution is to educate and train the operators on the rules of the tax and payroll system, as well as the issues of managing the AI ​​program system. The RPA payroll specialist must not only have adequate experience, but must also have up-to-date information on the latest tax rules and regulatory changes. An RPA-based payroll system combines the benefits of automation technology and payroll software to provide a fast and efficient solution to routine and complex payroll tasks. The RPA-based payroll system is easy to customize and flexible, thus ensuring companies that the system works according to their needs. The system can manage deadlines, various payroll methods, calculate taxes and communicate payroll data. Many human errors can occur during payroll processing performed by humans, be it calculation errors or other technical errors. With the help of RPA systems, however, these possible errors can be avoided. These systems are very fast and accurate, they work in real time with databases and other automated data switches. This means that all data is accurately recorded and processed during the payroll processes, so that the complicated they also comply with taxation rules. The RPA system ensures continuous and repeatable execution of processes without room for human error. These RPA systems are able to capture even the smallest deviations in data, so certain risks can be eliminated.

Better data protection and security

The RPA-based payroll system provides companies with a higher level of data protection and security. The system is able to filter out and prevent access to data by users who do not have access rights. However, one of the biggest challenges in payroll processing is human error during data management processes. By using RPA technology, human interventions around the process can be removed. The integration and scalability of payroll systems allows companies to increase their production efficiency and reduce their costs. RPA makes it easier for companies to manage data, processes and employee payroll, allowing staff to focus on real business tasks. The collection and use of employees’ payroll data is of fundamental importance for the payroll process. RPA (Robotic Process Automation) offers a solution to automate this, thus reducing the need for human intervention and enabling more efficient and accurate work. The first step to ensuring RPA security is to perform a security risk assessment. This helps organizations identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in their RPA systems and take preventive measures to address them. Organizations should implement a comprehensive security system that covers all aspects of RPA security, including access control, user authentication, data protection, and network security. This framework should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. Implementing access control is critical to ensuring the security of RPA. Authentication helps prevent unauthorized access and protect RPA systems from cyber attacks. Regular monitoring of RPA systems is critical to identifying vulnerabilities and taking corrective action. They must implement monitoring tools and processes to detect security incidents in time and respond to them. Regular employee training on RPA security best practices and policies is essential to creating a culture of security awareness. This helps prevent human error and ensures the overall security of RPA systems. Maintaining audit trails is essential to ensuring RPA security. Organizations must keep records of all activities performed on RPA systems, including who performed them, when, and why. This helps identify suspicious activity and take corrective action. Implementing disaster recovery and business continuity plans is essential to ensuring the security of RPA. Organizations must have a plan for recovery after system failures, data breaches, and other security incidents. Organizations should conduct regular security audits to identify gaps in their security framework and take corrective action. Developing incident response plans is critical to responding to security incidents in a timely and effective manner. Organizations must have a plan in place to quickly identify and respond to security incidents and prevent further damage. Securing RPA is critical to protecting against cyber attacks, data breaches, and other security threats. By conducting regular security audits, implementing access controls, using secure RPA software, and developing incident response plans, organizations can ensure the security of their RPA systems and build employee trust.

Combine database

In RPA, we can save time by connecting multiple databases automatically and thus getting rid of duplication. Many payroll systems use different databases (e.g. employee data, payroll analyses, benefits, etc.). RPA automates all data sources and thus reduces the level of human intervention. The payroll system using RPA is able to collect, process and analyze data quickly and with high accuracy. RPA helps in creating automatic reports, thus reducing manual work. The RPA algorithms process the data based on criteria defined by the persons concerned.

Data collection

Payroll administration processes can be long and complex. Regardless of how many people a business needs to pay, it is a lot of work to track working hours, check pay periods and calculate fringe benefits. However, automating such processes not only saves time, but also increases productivity. Automation can be done in many ways, the most common ways include automating data entry, calculations, and checks. Automating such processes has many benefits for businesses and helps get rid of human error and paperwork. Automating data entry means recording data electronically, which allows for faster data capture and reduces human errors. In addition, electronically recorded data is easier to manage and data comparison becomes easier. However, automating the calculations allows you to calculate payments faster and minimize errors. Automatic calculations are usually done by software which strictly follows the rules and legislation. Checking and comparing invoices, receipts and other documents during payroll is extremely important. However, checks usually take a lot of time and are not free from human error. Automatic checks help save time and reduce the risk of human error.


Managing employee records takes a lot of time from HR department staff. Many documents must be handled, filed and organized by hand. The use of RPA bots enables the automation of processes and the free time of human resources employees to be used for other tasks. The use of RPA bots allows tasks related to employee records to be handled quickly and efficiently. Through the RPA bot, data is automatically imported into the employee record. RPA-driven processes ensure predictability as tasks are executed according to timing. Managing employee records through the RPA bot enables quick and efficient storage and retrieval of documents. One of the great advantages of the RPA bot is that it processes the data at high speed and finds out how the data can be optimized the most. With this, the general feeling of the employees is that the task of the HR department is to handle the employee records well and quickly. Managing employee records driven by RPA provides significant benefits to HR staff. RPA bots automatically perform tasks that can significantly reduce employee stress and increase time efficiency. From recruiting to performance management and more, RPA can revolutionize HR processes by automating routine tasks, improving accuracy and freeing up resources to focus on strategic HR tasks.

Job descriptions with artificial intelligence?

The trend at the moment is the use of artificial intelligence, I have it too. What can AI be used for in accounting? For example, it is used to create job descriptions, guides and HR policies, and revising and refining them is often a time-consuming process. Generative artificial intelligence offers an effective solution to simplify these processes. Generative AI can easily create job descriptions and skill profiles. This helps create a more inclusive corporate hiring environment. In the Hungarian context, based on my analysis, it is still necessary to improve, but based on well-defined ai prompts, HR can basically be of great help. Employee training is a time-consuming process due to time and manual efforts. There are many tasks involved in employee onboarding, such as creating the aforementioned job descriptions, screening candidates, hiring new employees, sharing data access, and more. By using RPA, businesses can automate the tasks involved in the process and eliminate repetitive processes. Artificial intelligence AI can add a touch of personalization and create personalized intro materials.

Performance evaluation

RPA creates opportunities for employees to get bonuses, rewards and other compensation in a better and fairer way. With the introduction of RPA, employee performance is based only on quantifiable factors. The system automatically keeps track of performance, which is very important to achieve fair conditions. By using RPA automated systems, performance evaluation will also be much more efficient, as it will be easier to analyze the performance of each employee. With the help of RPA, employee performance can be published with numerical data, and consequently results will be much more accurate and will not be biased. RPA can help HR teams automate performance reviews and appraisals. Automated performance management can reduce errors and improve the accuracy of assessment scores. Reviewing and evaluating people’s performance at work is essential for businesses. However, this process is very time-consuming and extensive than HR teams probably imagine. Manual evaluation processes are prone to errors, inaccurate results, and require even more time and energy to perform the various processes. RPA can be used to implement a user-friendly performance review system. RPA is reliable and accurate, which helps maintain workers’ accuracy. RPA can send automatic notifications to users so that they are notified of evaluation processes in a timely manner. RPA assessments are more reliable and accurate than manual assessments. RPA accurately observes and records the performance of individual workers, which team members can review and evaluate. RPA also records pre-determined scores to help assessors make decisions. RPA’s automated assessment processes save time for both assessors and team members. Templates used in evaluation processes can be preset, saving HR departments additional time preparing reviews. RPA also makes the monitoring of performance indicators more reliable. RPA automatically monitors different performance levels and optimizes the work of individual workers. RPA-automated performance management processes enable HR teams to respond to employee needs. RPA can provide information that helps meet needs, which leads to employee satisfaction. RPA enables HR departments to perform automated appraisal processes with best-fit appraisers (KPIs). RPA helps identify the raters who can best see how a given employee is performing for their job role.

Agile, Scrum, Kanban in RPA development

How to think about Kanban.
Start with what you know
The implementation of Kanban does not require significant changes to current processes. The point is to start with the current process and then implement changes based on feedback about the process. Due to the continuous improvement nature of Kanban, the longer you use it, the better the process will become.
Accept that you want to make a gradual, evolutionary change
Change is more effective when everyone in the team participates. Create a culture of continuous improvement by selling to team members the importance of process improvement. This can be done by showing the team the connection to better RPA development.
Respect current process, roles, responsibilities and job titles
Kanban recognizes that it is likely that the current way of doing things has value that needs to be preserved, so it does not require sweeping changes that often cause fear among co-workers. A clear statement of respect for current processes, roles, responsibilities, and jobs will help alleviate the fears that often accompany change and make team members more comfortable participating in minor improvements. Incremental changes allow you to link results to the change that preceded them, making decision-making easier.
Encourage leadership actions at all levels of the organization
Team members at all levels need to feel safe to bring change into the process. There is tremendous value in the perspectives of individuals throughout the organization. Everyone involved, regardless of their pay grade, should be empowered to take a leadership role. A Kanban system can help you keep track of the work done by visualizing what has happened, what we are working on, and what remains to be done. It can also help with the distribution of work. On the Kanban board, the work to be done is stored in a backlog column and can be prioritized. When a coworker is done with what they’re working on, they can go to the backlog column and select the next highest priority task that fits their skill set. Kanban can help companies track resources spent on each customer. Most importantly, Kanban facilitates the continuous improvement of processes so that companies can provide an amazing experience to their customers.
and SCRUM?
If it is important to have a usable result already in the early stages of development, which covers and makes it possible to implement the most important business needs, but there is no time for lengthy planning at the beginning, or the market conditions are constantly changing, then Scrom can be the solution. During the project, you can plan the sub-tasks in more detail. Scrum is a framework that enables solving complex problems. It’s a way of working that you use when you need to solve a complex problem—something you haven’t done before, like developing an RPA software robot. It reduces risk while increasing the value of the deliverable. It enables quick mobilization, you can quickly bring in whoever you need. Traditionally, the majority of the financial sector applied the waterfall project management approach, which proceeds slowly, is well documented, and gives time to evaluate important decisions. It still works well now and some would say – why fix what isn’t broken? And you really shouldn’t, instead you should try and understand if this process is still the best for you in the current market conditions. For those unfamiliar with scrum, the main difference between the approaches is that instead of completing the entire project in one phase, it is divided into short chunks (around 2-4-6 weeks) , and a part is executed. I find one major difference between waterfall and scrum – documentation. For waterfall, all documentation is created at the beginning of the project and usually takes a long time. Once completed, it should serve the full duration of the project, but the reality is often different. Since most projects can take quite a long time, it is not uncommon for requirements to change, rendering the documentation produced irrelevant. Therefore, it needs to be updated, takes even more time, and resets the entire project. In the case of scrum, on the other hand, the documentation is prepared for the short parts, therefore in a much smaller amount and does not become obsolete during execution. Scrum simply discourages excessive and wasteful documentation that does not need to be created and maintained. By applying scrum, companies can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on revising outdated documents. Another advantage of the scrum approach is quick decision-making. To be more precise – faster than the waterfall approach. Because only short work iterations are done at a time, instead of the entire project, scrum allows you to adapt to changes and make decisions based on those changes much faster. It also significantly shortens the project time because you don’t have to go back to the beginning and redefine the entire project. Communication, coordination and control are very important. When processes change, it’s important to have a system that does all three. Scrum provides exactly that. Communication, coordination and control are easy if all projects are presented in a clear way on scrum boards, with current priorities highlighted in sprints. Although scrum remains an approach for software developers, it is versatile and can offer many benefits to other industries. The financial sector is no exception. It provides clarity, reduces waste, and gives the company the tools to move quickly in today’s changing environment, while still being flexible enough to adapt to whatever practices the company needs to follow. Wiki
RPA needs project managers
Compared to other types of development, RPA doesn’t have as many opportunities to make those simple changes. Thus, without a project manager, it can be difficult to monitor the progress of developers and to keep projects on time and on budget with clear responsibilities, priorities, and goals. A project manager can remove obstacles to project completion while performing other responsibilities such as engaging stakeholders, prioritizing process backlogs, and managing workflows. Scrum requires cross-functional teams where each team member takes responsibility for a specific task. But RPA works best when developed by a single developer(this does not mean one person), from start to finish of testing. We need solution designers, business analysts who collect requirements, and project managers. Scrum requires the team to be self-managing. Its members decide internally what and when they work. In RPA, teams often have to rely on business stakeholders and other service providers to get the data they need for development, e.g. API access. An RPA team should work directly with them. The difference is the project manager. The RPA project manager uses the parts of Scrum that make the most sense to unblock developers or even business analysts.
Ensuring the values ​​of Scrum
The daily Scrum check-in and the team try to keep it short. With this, they can focus on the goals of the sprint and e.g. they work in two-week “sprints” while being able to effectively report progress to customers. It’s important that everyone knows where they stand, so it’s a good idea to create a process definition document (PDD) that properly defines the process and its business requirements this can also be an annex to the contract. To be effective, RPA projects must solve some critical problem. This may be cost reduction or more time, but it may also increase your satisfaction. The team creates internal deadlines that guide developers during the sprint, creating realistic time estimates so that deadlines can be met and resources can be used efficiently.

Benefits of implementing Scrum in the RPA project

Reduced latency cost
Work on RPA projects using the waterfall method leads to UAT, i.e. testing, at the end of the development life cycle. This can lead to many change proposals from the client until the end of the development. That’s not what I meant, that’s not how I want syndrome. Sometimes the changes are big, it can even be a complete redesign. By using Scrum, we can gradually deliver the goal and incorporate changes much sooner at the end of each step. Thus reducing the costs of delay.
Reduced UAT (testing) timelines
The earlier inclusion of customer feedback in the project and changes based on customer feedback reduce the time spent on testing.
Improving quality
The quality of RPA code can be improved better if you make changes early in the project timeline rather than at the end.
Increased customer collaboration
By delivering RPA incrementally and asking for customer feedback at the end of each Sprint, Scrum can involve the customer early in the project timeline. That way they can react sooner.
Easier to meet deadlines
Shorter testing timelines, faster onboarding of changes due to feedback, and incremental feature delivery make it easier to meet delivery deadlines.

Case studies using my RPA software robot

My RPA robot in the legal department
My software robot searches in the incoming documents, which electronically analyzes the data and forwards or assigns it to the relevant administrator. My software robot interprets the data of the documents received. (e.g. case number or identifiers, etc.) My RPA software robot searches several databases or tables for the found data, forwards or stores the document and provides it with filing identifiers, which can even be in the name of a file, and then communicates the access link to with authorities.
Verification of supplier invoices before payment
The software robot collects the currently payable supplier invoices from the accounting program. My software robot finds the scanned invoice image based on the accounting ID downloads it from the storage location and analyzes its content using OCR. After matching the data, validate the payment. There are far fewer invoices with error codes that must be checked manually. My software robot is scheduled to work at night. An advantage is that the verified delivery invoices do not need to be printed.
Data recording
If the data currently needs to be scanned from paper and recorded manually in the system, then my smart software robots can record the data of the scanned document independently even at night on the specified interface. By replacing boring, time-consuming and very demotivating work.
Automatic bank account processing
The software robot obtains the current bank account statement from the bank and automatically tries to match the remittance, payer and outgoing invoice. In Hungary, it doesn’t always work out because they refer to it in one way or another, etc. but 80% of the transactions are automatically reconciled, only the remaining reference has to be “tracked down” by manual work.
Send certificates in pdf
At the request of customers who enter their ID on the application form (which is checked in the background) a certificate is issued. Based on the verified ID (and other data), the software robot independently generates it in pdf and sends it as an email attachment, while issuing a fee request or invoice for the fee, which is also sent as an email attachment.
Data transfer

RPA Robotic Process Automation

Nora RPA

Legacy systems can still perform critical functions. For example, old invoicing systems cannot automatically communicate with the other system. In such cases, employees record the data manually. My software robot can prevent such manual processing from causing an error. They often come in different formats, which vary widely depending on the source. Similar to invoice processing, the software robot can help read paper-based and digital documents.
Split by cost center or job number
The departments forwarded the cost breakdown statements in emails and Excel spreadsheets. The robot software eliminated manual data merging by automatically processing all incoming data in less than a minute, compared to 2 hours before the robot was installed.
Reconciliation of delivery letters, orders and invoices
The orders must be reconciled with the shipments, which makes it necessary for the delivery notes to be compatible with the orders. The software robot can check and approve all matching items. Notifies you when you encounter an error.
Inventory check
Check inventory, create and send automated emails to contact partners, list suppliers, etc. You can perform these tasks efficiently and without errors. Significantly improves work productivity.
Inventory Check
The use of my process automation software robots helps in efficient supply chain management. Keeping correct data, sending automatic notifications to managers, and automatic reordering of products below a certain level. In this way, my software bots have a tight supply chain control process.
Data entry
The entire process of e-mails, orders, delivery notices and delivery documents can be automatically entered into the related systems by my RPA software robots.

Recruiting with RPA

Candidate’s experience
Bad experiences of candidates in the initial recruitment phase can significantly damage the company’s brand value. It can be observed that candidates who have a bad recruitment experience will do a lot of negative word of mouth. Improving communication with candidates can be a solution, with personalized automated email and SMS responses at each stage of the application process, integrated with the recruitment system or RPA-driven chats.
Avoiding the wrong workforce
Bad hires can cost companies three times their first year’s salary and affect overall team performance and productivity. To avoid it, increase the use of good candidate screening tools that include RPA analytics, behavioral assessment, etc. they provide.
Reduction of recruitment costs
In-house staffing is one of the most effective ways to reduce these costs, but hiring the right candidate will increase costs over time. Having the right recruiting system in place will critically improve your in-house recruiting process and reduce overall recruiting costs.
My Intelligent Automation Tools (RPA)
can be integrated and automates its tasks, understands human communication, makes decisions and executes operations. This solution can be adapted and implemented for any business segment or industry, my robots that work on emails, documents and chats.
For example
1. One of my robots communicates with an email tool that automatically handles many incoming emails. Reduces time spent manually processing emails. This tool drastically reduces response time from days to minutes and increases employee satisfaction. It uses rules to interpret content and perform tasks in the system, freeing up valuable time and resources.

2. My other robot communicates with a robot documentation tool that can process documents from various sources, such as email attachments, email uploads, and online folders. It can classify documents, extract information, forward it to stakeholders, and update back-end systems.

3. My third robot is a “Chatbot”, which helps payroll to be available to employees, e.g. the current degree of freedom .

Natural causes of staff turnover cannot be avoided. Employees may change jobs due to health conditions, relocation, or other family circumstances. The selection process is a long and complex process, during which the needs of the company must be taken into account. For example, in the recruitment process, even the preliminary preparation of the steps of the recruitment process plays an important role in the development of the company.
The importance of the recruitment process
Managers of companies must understand that not only the filling of the current vacancy, but also the employer depends on their activities. 80-90% of candidates with good recruitment experience at the company will recommend it to others. Half of them will also write good reviews on social media. Attracting and retaining the best employees available today is literally the future of business. Scheduling the admissions process is also very important. The cost of a hiring error can be 40-50% of the employee’s annual salary. In addition, work productivity may decrease. The personnel selection system must guarantee that the company meets the hard & soft skills of the hired candidate, and the company meets him. “Skewing” should not be allowed: experience, talent, skills are as important as emotional intelligence, personality, attitude, adaptability or social skills depending on the position. The 7 most common mistakes:

  • lack of accurate and honest job description
  • using only external or internal skills
  • ignore the technical interview
  • rejection of “overqualified” applicants
  • delay in the admission process or too hasty admission
  • focusing on recommendations or ignoring them
  • relying on the professional’s previous work experience and not creating suitable conditions for his development.

About RPA recruitment stages
Identifying and analyzing the need in the recruitment process
Why start the workforce recruitment process? e.g. Because of the vacancies. Staffing can never be unreasonable.  At this stage of development, the company cannot afford to hire a new employee, or it is doubtful what impact he should have on the team and he is not meeting the set goals, then it is better to forget about hiring him.
Profile of the candidate
Before announcing the search, it is necessary to decide who we are looking for.

  • the employee was versatile and performed several functions at the same time
  • or very experienced in a narrow sector
  • was a professional or had just started his career in the profession
  • had a perfect resume or excellent references
  • spoke several languages ​​at a level sufficient for oral communication

Of course, the specialist must also be interested in something. His motivation is also part of the profile.

  • to work for a well-known, stable company on the market
  • to work for fast growing companies
  • work in a team of qualified professionals
  • career opportunities
  • competitive compensation package, etc.

Ha nem tudjuk, kit keresünk, akkor nehéz lesz ilyen embert találni.
Before recruitment
Passive recruitment, which basically consists of the company itself contacting the publicly available professional profiles that interest them the most. During active recruitment, the company publishes a job, and job seekers apply to the company independently. Perhaps during passive recruitment it is easier to find and compare applicants. The best results are achieved by combining the two methods.
 Receive applications
If the advertised job is attractive enough, many people will apply the application process should be transparent and fast. Most candidates will not apply for a job they are interested in if the process is too long and drawn out.
Based on what criteria do we reduce the number of candidates in order to facilitate a more thorough evaluation? Based on the characteristics of the ideal profile, the least suitable applicants are excluded from consideration. With the help of RPA, application of professional testing, personality screening. Analyzing the emotional intelligence of a prospective employee.
Direct selection
With the help of my software robot, all applicants receive a timely response from the company, even if it is a rejection. Generally, candidates expect a personal email response. But currently 90% of employers do not give any feedback. The interview is the most common procedure during admission. Nowadays, it is decreasing more and more because a test task allows you to evaluate the technical side of a candidate. The competence interview, which allows the assessment of the candidate’s efficiency in different situations. With the situational interview, where the candidate is placed in a hypothetical situation and asked to model their behavior. Selected interview questions will allow you to form a correct opinion about the candidate.

The business world is fast-paced and competitive, it is no wonder that HR managers must constantly work to improve internal processes and further increase their previous successes. Recruiting and selecting employees can be particularly frustrating and time-consuming, especially if your company has large or diverse recruiting needs. However, the explosive development of digital technologies opens up opportunities for the HR sector. In recent years, robotic process automation (RPA) has become the focus of people’s attention, which can bring several benefits to organizations, especially in the field of talent management. With RPA, recruitment processes can be automated, simplified and accelerated, giving the HR department more time for important activities such as training and development and employee retention.

Efficient hiring process.

Analysis of resumes:
Reviewing resumes and profiles can take hours, not days. A recruitment management system can improve recruitment efficiency and dramatically reduce the time required for manual processes. The first and most important step is to evaluate applicants. The RPA can be trained on what qualities of CVs are needed, can assess whether the given applicant has the necessary skills and abilities, whether the data in the CV is correct and whether the candidate is generally suitable for the to fill a position. RPA can narrow down the number of biographies and quickly find the applicants who are closest to the minimum requirements.

Comments and information
RPA can easily record the candidate’s comments after the intervention and immediately notify the candidate of the result or forward the information to stakeholders for immediate response, which increases the speed of interaction, transparency and level of commitment.

Employee Tracking System Management
RPA can collect data for recording, save and organize that employee data for further use. The data of those employees who have been selected can be immediately connected to the company’s HR system to faster and more efficiently develop and maintain all employees who will eventually participate in the company’s onboarding process.

Pre-suitability tests:
RPA can even perform pre-suitability checks such as background checks, can identify employee skills and perform other non-routine tasks.
The business world is constantly changing and developing. Advances in digital technology and artificial intelligence enable increasingly rational and effective processes in all areas of business life. The human resource management (HRM) industry is no exception, and in recent years the industry has been eyeing the transition to automation. RPA (robotic process automation) is a technological solution that enables the automation of business processes. In the HRM sector, RPA is of great importance because it can help speed up, simplify and automate the previously fluid and lengthy processes of human resource planning. The programmability of RPA ensures that any changes implemented through HR are accurate and consistent, helping to save time and resources with HR. RPA can automate the entire HRM lifecycle, including recruitment and selection processes. RPA pays particular attention to the automation of candidate classifiers during CVs and application materials, simplifying implementation processes and reducing administrative burdens. RPA doesn’t just automate hiring, it can automate all the way down to the application process. With the help of RPA, you can focus on labor management needs, try different models for exemptions, application processes and training. RPA can be used to ensure more effective supervision of instructors during staff training. Recruitment plays an important role in the growth of the company. However, the constant challenge is finding the right candidates. With the mass of interested people, HR employees have to give a lot of feedback every day, schedule interviews, and constantly communicate with each candidate – without the help of the number of tasks and experience, this is often a slow and time-consuming process. However, RPA (Robot Process Automation) offers a reassuring solution for HR teams who want to recruit faster and more efficiently. RPA can help people perform secondary, repetitive tasks, such as recruiting processes, where the same steps such as reviewing resumes, scheduling interviews, and messaging candidates are repeated. RPA has a lot of benefits when it comes to connecting with candidates. Using automated processes can help ensure accuracy, speed and cost savings. Reviewing resumes is an extremely time-consuming task, which can be a big challenge for an HR team. Using RPA can help HR staff quickly review resumes, which can save time and improve relationships with candidates. Constantly managing the time table to keep interviews on schedule can also be a big challenge for an HR team. With RPA, the HR team can automatically schedule interviews, allowing them to schedule interviews quickly and efficiently without managing recurring appointments. Communication with candidates has always been a critical element in the recruitment process. However, communicating by email and phone can sometimes be a long and slow process. However, with the help of RPA, HR staff can quickly and efficiently communicate with candidates, which can mean significant time savings and efficiency. The use of RPA not only saves time and resources for the HR team, but can also improve the efficiency of the recruitment process. Automated processes work without delays and errors, therefore enabling immediate reactions from the HR team and easier monitoring of candidate status at every stage, from reviewing resumes to scheduling interviews.
Company managers get a rough idea of ​​what each applicant has to offer. The final decision should be as objective as possible, it is advisable to prepare a report on the selection process, indicating the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate, this can be automated with software robots using RPA.
Control the process?
Company managers recognize that most recruitment processes will be automated in the next 10 years.

  • multiple placement of vacancies thanks to integration with job portals
  • primary data collection in social networks, organization of procurement and social recruitment
  • searching the candidate database and, as a result, speeding up the processing of CVs
  • bulk promotions including full email marketing

Procurement Process RPA

RPA can retrieve the input list of each product from the bill of materials. Periodic, permanent access to the company’s list of raw materials induces better supply planning
Contract management

  • Preparation of B2B contracts by automatically extracting supplier information and placing it on the draft
  • Notify purchasing groups when a contract expires by the expiration date
  • Archiving of all contracts in the dedicated database of each supplier

Purchase order
Purchase orders are used to inform company decision makers and the supplier about the type and quantity of items needed. RPA can fill templates. The request is sent to the department heads for approval and forwarded to the suppliers.
Category Management
The different departments deal with their own procurement. RPA can assign the categories of each product to the appropriate purchasing department
Purchase Request
RPA identifies reorders for frequently used items. RPA bots then place reorders without human intervention. If the evaluation requires human intelligence, the request may be forwarded.
My software robot monitors stock levels in purchasing, and can automatically create purchase orders for reorderable products. Automated reorders would help avoid the need for a human to constantly monitor inventory levels
Inventory management
Robotic process automation (RPA) enables digital tracking of inventory levels. My software robot creates automated reports and inventory checks. Especially for companies that rely on fresh inventory levels, such as restaurants overloaded with perishables, it’s important to have real-time reporting. Automating stock management means you have to buy less, i.e. it enables intelligent purchasing.
My RPA robot can automatically compare purchase requests with vendor invoices and shipping receipts to confirm that the products ordered are what should have been ordered.
Timely payment improves the management of supplier relationships. Financial APIs allow software bots to pay the right amount to the right vendor.
Price Agreement
After receiving a vendor quote, companies can use RPA bots to automatically negotiate prices. So when it comes to quote approval/rejection/negotiation, intelligent automation can help you compare prices. If the price is X% higher than Y, do Z
Digitalized documents
My bots can create log entries automatically, all entries are made in real time.

Don’t automate until you standardize your processes!

 RPA Robotic Process Automation

Emilia RPA

e.g. possible standardizations:
Automatically issue and send invoices to customers
Reduction of manual inspection processes
Increasing the accuracy of data in the accounting system
Reduce manual processing
Reduce human error

Of course, you can’t simply make a software robot work with the staff’s spreadsheets, it is first necessary to standardize the processes and data. After that, implementing RPA into core processes is much less likely to break processes or take months.

No-Code platforms or traditional RPA development?

It is possible to create a No-Code program with pre-developed components and on the visual editing interface (drag-and-drop). Due to the lack of qualified IT specialists, the simple interface is tempting for many company managers. Using No-Code platforms is a good way to develop partial applications. The no-code solutions can be of many types according to the needs of the users, e.g. improving customer experience (chatbot) or improving work processes (RPA) or even developing complex applications.
Can no-code replace traditional RPA development?
NO, I think so. No-code can be used to supplement traditional programming. A no-code solution can free up a lot of repetitive work, but you have to pay attention to its fault-tolerant capabilities. What if something doesn’t happen as planned. There are currently hundreds of no-code platforms to choose from, and there will be even more in the future. The demand for qualified developers is high, more and more companies solve their developments with no-code platforms. Reducing dependencies on highly trained programmers for simpler applications.
‍A certain degree of system knowledge is essential for modeling business processes. Frequently used settings can be performed by anyone, but there will also be complicated cases. Intention is also necessary, so that they really want to take advantage of the opportunities. For example, internal training materials, ticket system, etc. The customer dealing with the business does not know the best solutions. My RPA software robots currently execute repetitive blocks of work with fixed logic. My RPA software robots are not a product of artificial intelligence.
Only what He was taught
My RPA software robot can only memorize and cannot learn or create a new process independently, let’s say it should because of the GDPR. My RPA software robot always strictly follows the previous rules during the automation operation.
Process selection
Selecting and developing the right process is important in the work of my RPA software robots. Not all business processes are suitable for automation. Tasks with fixed rules and steps are suitable for automation.
Performance vs. hardware requirement
According to my own experience, multifunctional No-Code platforms have brutal performance requirements. A solution can be clicked together from ready-made modules, it must be implemented in such a way that they work perfectly for everyone. This currently raises the problem of e.g. ajax calls. The same performance and speed come with higher hardware requirements and therefore higher costs. An overcomplicated line of code must be corrected in several places, problems arise if the runtime environment changes.

Is RPA secure?

As RPA grows in popularity, cybercriminals are also increasing their threat. Potential vulnerabilities within RPA systems are identified and exploited to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. The evolving threat landscape requires a proactive approach to ensure the security of the digital workforce. RPA software robots handle data, so they require security measures already in the planning phase. Robotic Process Automation solves repetitive tasks in a user environment with bots, significantly improving the profit rate. RPA can have access rights to sensitive data that it can manage, so the fear of hacking is understandable. Can RPA be hacked? It must be because people make it. Hack-proof systems have been hacked many times. RPA can be hacked, but there are many steps a company can take to mitigate the risks and protect.

If the software robot runs in the same environment as the user, access rights, e.g. requires login information. It is important to distinguish between a live human and RPA in operation. Big mistake if access rights are shared with an RPA bot. (High security risk.) A hacker can access sensitive data. For example, customer information, addresses, credit card information, company finances. By limiting the software robot, we mitigate the risk. In the event of an error if the access is the same for the live person and the bot, it is impossible to distinguish whether an operation was human intervention, (whether malicious or not) or the work of the RPA bot . One of the primary aspects of RPA security is the potential for vulnerabilities. If a hacker gains access to your RPA system, they can manipulate automation processes, leading to data leaks or financial loss. In order to preserve the integrity and confidentiality of the digital workforce, it is key to identify and mitigate these risks. BUT inside threats are also possible Malicious or accidental mistakes by employees can compromise the security of your RPA system. Implementing appropriate access controls and employee training programs can help reduce these risks

The solution is simple: the bot must be given its own credentials so that they can always be identified. A wrong action performed by a bot can be quickly noticed and stopped. Records and logs can also be extremely useful in improving security when, why, who and how an event occurred. It is advisable to define how the bot accesses the database. If the bot’s task is only to read data, then the write authorization is not necessary. If the RPA bot handles data, restrictions must be introduced on data that it does not need for its task. Limiting access to authorized personnel reduces the risk of unauthorized manipulation of the system.

Keeping RPA systems up-to-date is key to keeping them secure. Regular security audits are essential to identify vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the RPA system. These audits include a comprehensive assessment of the system’s security measures and can help you detect and manage potential risks before they are exploited by malicious actors.

Physical protection of RPA?

It is worth keeping the computer running the RPA-bot working without supervision in a place that can be physically closed (see industrial computer cabinet). Thus, possible unauthorized human access can be eliminated to a large extent. (e.g. pen drive data copies, etc.) By implementing effective security measures, being vigilant against emerging threats and following best practices, you can protect your RPA system from potential violations and protect sensitive data.

    What is the purpose of the questions? Can I help you decide? If so ... I'll do my best. If not ... I will say it openly. Please enter your contact information here

    Email (*)

    What happens after "Send"?
    An email with a link will be sent to the corresponding email address.
    What should be done?
    Click on the link and fill out the form on the page that opens, e.g. enter the problem.
    What do you use the email address for?
    To send the verification link.

    Who I am?

    Norbert Törőcsik
    RPA specialist
    ☎ 00 36 (30) 9-6600-10
    Fax 00 36 (62) 211-386
    Budapest +36-1-6333-173
    New York +1-646-5471056
    Munchen +498972101089880
    Austria +43-720-5159-11
    from Hungary in EU.

    Choosing an RPA software robot?

    Choosing an RPA software robot is a critical decision, entrusting anyone with the task.
    System compatible?
    In order to maximize efficiency and minimize disruptions, it is important to have an RPA software robot solution that is compatible with the current system, for example with the operating system and connectivity with existing software and databases.
    Easy to use
    You need an easy-to-use RPA software robot with minimal training. If necessary, the RPA software should have a user-friendly interface.
    It is worth making an RPA software robot that can be scaled up with the growth of the business. Can it handle the growing amount of work and integrate with other systems?
    The cost of RPA software bots can vary widely, consider your budget. For example, in addition to the purchase price, consider ongoing maintenance and support costs.
    The service provider should respond within the given time.

    When choosing the most suitable RPA robot software for your company, it is worth describing your specific problems and needs. By thoroughly understanding the requirements, it is possible to choose an RPA software robot that effectively meets the needs.

    Eliminating human errors?

    To err is human, and a mistake in finance can lead to drastic losses and countless hours of correction. My RPA software robots reduce the chance of human errors when entering data or creating reports because my software robots work according to predetermined rules.
    Constantly changing legal environment
    Recommended logfile for financial processes. Why? They create a well-thought-out plan for the bots to follow, taking into account everything from access to all generated outputs within the workflows. They are stored in a logfile, so all the bots’ activities can be tracked. This information increases compliance and reduces the chance of fraud being recorded. Instead of employing many employees, you can put my software robots to work. RPA robot software provides growth opportunities for accounting departments, while productivity does not decrease. From recording financial data to auditing, accounting use cases reveal how efficiently my RPA software robots can handle repetitive tasks.
    Report creation with my RPA software robot?
    Data extracted from invoices (or any financial numbers such as expenses, income, debt, equity, etc.) can be taught to my RPA software robots to record, mimicking the human process. In log format that meets quality assurance standards. Minimizing the possibility of errors and complying with official controls is a key element in the preparation of financial reports.
    Internal auditing?
    My RPA software robots can handle the comparative tasks of verifying the accuracy of financial data, for example when checking between multiple systems. This frees employees from a lot of work and drastically reduces the time spent checking statements and data. During reconciliations, my RPA bots can take over repetitive tasks, whether it is periodic ledger reconciliation or advanced reconciliation of a transaction chain. Exceptions can be flagged for human review, taking advantage of the rules-based approach of my RPA software robots. My RPA software robots do not hesitate like humans, this is crucial for financial processes. In the Hungarian context, I cannot imagine fully automated bookkeeping, people continue to manage robotic bookkeeping. The person is always behind my RPA software robots to review the set processes and possible exceptions. RPA bots need to be constantly tested and updated. Putting my RPA software robots to work should not be rushed, because if the set processes followed by the bots are not complete or up-to-date, it will lead to continuous automated errors, which is disastrous for finances. What should we do then? Your accounting processes must be broken down into steps, by cutting out repetitive tasks and with the help of my RPA software robots, the steps can be optimized and the ideal improvements in the process can be identified. When considering the applicability of accounting methods with my RPA software robots, employees need to understand that my RPA software robot is there to facilitate their work, not to replace them. The use of my RPA software robots and the employees who manage them are key to success. Why? They see the results, they see the tasks to be modified.

    Successful RPA projects?

    Simplification of processes
    There is always room for improvement in most operations. Before implementing my RPA software robot, the processes must be simplified to make them more understandable. Minimize the time spent on programming.
    Process Mining
    Before introducing Robotic Process Automation, it is worth doing process mining. It prioritizes the automation options. It helps to track changes in the process
    Choosing an RPA solution
    There are various RPA software solutions such as codeless functionality and many more.
    Automating complex tasks such as extracting data from documents is a big challenge. The disadvantage of many Robotic Process Automation suppliers is that these manufacturers only supply standard solutions, not specific solutions.
    Simplification and development
    I create a map that identifies the process segments. The knowledge of experts in the given field is a big help for this. This step is crucial to the development of my RPA software bots.
    Investigating solution
    Testing a solution plays a critical role in determining its effectiveness. For example, employees may experience unavoidable errors, so all solutions should be evaluated before trial.
    Test it
    Run a live test with specific goals, such as accuracy or automation. Experimental results should be evaluated
    Backup plan
    Always have a backup plan in case the RPA-based development solution requires some modifications after implementation.
    Analysis of results
    They can determine whether the RPA project development has achieved the desired goals or not.
    RPA maintenance
    Processes require modifications in accordance with changes in market conditions.

    Software Robot development?

    There are six steps to implementing RPA.

    • My first step is to study possible areas of automation and identify opportunities
    • Use the available information and start optimizing the identified processes.
    • Design process, generating workflow diagrams and documenting the process before it is implemented.
    • RPA bot building process.

    What are the steps involved in creating an RPA Bot?
    How should it be treated? 

    • First of all, it is important to understand the task, and then you can record the task.
    • I am recording the software robot
    • I need to test the bot and see if it meets the business requirements.
    • I upload the bot so that the necessary automation starts working.

    What are the important points in the implementation of RPA?

    • First, you need to find and thoroughly review your automation options.
    • The first step allows you to select the appropriate process or processes for implementation.
    • I design the RPA model.
    • I will start the process of building RPA bots.

    What are the limitations of RPA?

    • RPA does not have a judgment attribute, so it cannot be used in processes that require judgment.
    • It only works if you receive electronic and structured inputs to implement an automated process.
    • The RPA does not use previous experiences, it does not learn anything from them.
    • All human solutions cannot be implemented through the RPA workflow.
    • Limited to structured data: robots are best suited for automating tasks that contain structured data.
    • Requires Training: My robots need to be trained to perform specific tasks that can be time-consuming and require a certain level of technical expertise.
    • Limited to the desktop: My software bots are currently limited to automating tasks in desktop applications, but can be added.
    • Limited to repetitive tasks: Bots are inherently not suited to perform tasks that require creativity or complex decision-making, like a living person. If/and/or parameters are applicable
    • Maintenance and supervision: The automated process requires regular supervision and maintenance, it can be automated but e.g. the installed operating system should not be changed.

    Why use RPA??
    Automation has become a must in industries today as they want to automate many activities from invoice generation to inventory management to documentation to claims processing.
    RPA life cycles
    The first phase of the RPA lifecycle is the discovery phase. I plan the solution.
    Into development stage.
    After that, the acceptance test should be done and once it is OK, you can move on to the next phase, which is installation and maintenance.
    KPI indicators in RPA
    With the development of robot software, there is an increasing need to follow the performance and how it affects the organization.

    Since each company has different needs in relation to different software, different indicators must be examined, which indicators can be used when using software robots ar RPA.

    Very few metrics are enough to measure the performance of software robots

    • The number of hours saved compared to previous manual work.
    • How many working hours and how many costs were we able to save each year with the software robot.
    • What customer experience increases occurred after the introduction of the software robot.
    • What are the employee experiences about the software robot, are they afraid of RPA or do they like it, etc.

    Productivity increased using RPA?

    1. Reducing the cycle time means how much the software reduces the time used for one cycle at the robot.
    2. Increased accuracy, what increase in accuracy results from the use of the software robot.
    3. Is the quality better using RPA, so what compliance problems can be found when using the software robot.
    4. Using software robots means how many working hours on average.
    5. Success rate of software robots, i.e. processes executed without errors.
    6. The tracking of errors in software robots, what trends, what patterns and how we can reduce them.
    7. The downtime of the software robots is analyzed as a percentage of when the robots are down due to errors or maintenance or other reasons.

    There is every possibility to examine these metrics, they can be the metrics of the built-in software and they can also be different dedicated devices, different software options are also available.

    Process selection?

    1. The data is not accessible
    Many PDFs are used that require digitization and a lot of data can be lost due to manual, repetitive work.
    2. Expensive manual data entry
    The cost of labor may make it too expensive to hire full-time employees to manually process the data.
    3. Automating work processes without people
    There are many processes, such as customer documentation, that can be automated, but often require a staff member.
    Looking for one that offers human support
    Staff still need to work together to handle exceptions that RPA can’t handle. To choose the right RPA, first examine which tasks require a lot of work to complete. The question is whether this process really requires logic or is rule-based and high-volume. How much does it cost annually. How much would it cost to implement and maintain RPA on an ongoing basis? Measure what your total cost per transaction will be before automation and after the process is automated.
    Focusing on automating processes that provide the highest ROI
    RPA alone is not a quick fix. You need to ensure that you optimize your processes, focusing on those that deliver the most results and the highest ROI. I’ve found that the best processes to focus on are usually analytics tables etc. collection processes, as well as everything related to data extraction. An easy way to determine which process yields the highest return is to consider which processes have the highest transaction volume and which are rule-based processes that don’t require a lot of creative thinking. Which processes take up employees’ time is called process detection. Calculate how many full-time employees you have working on a specific task, calculate how many transactions they generate each month, and determine how much to pay them. You can then calculate what your internal cost per transaction is. Automating processes with the highest cost per transaction can provide the highest ROI.

    An example of a startup bot that companies can use for the sorting process.

    • Step 1: The bot monitors e-mails and extracts data from documents in incoming e-mails.

    • Step 2: The bot aggregates the data from the policy and creates a case.

    • Step 3. The bot assigns the cases to the appropriate employee, e.g. by product, type, quantity and so on.

    • Step 4: The bot sends an email to the employee and/or manager.

    • Step 5: The human-in-the-loop handles any exceptions that the bot cannot handle.

    They can save money by taking advantage of intelligent automation. It’s best to start automating with a very simple process to get results. This could be the automation of invoices or data reconciliation. You can use increasingly complex automations. Change management is also important when starting to automate processes. You need to be open with your staff about what you plan to automate and explain that most of your staff will be upskilling and free up their time to focus on higher value work. That way, employees won’t be upset about losing their jobs.

    Task Recorder – Screen Based

    Task Mining records the interactions performed on the computer screen and then the performed tasks are analyzed and evaluated.  RPA uses screen or AI elements for automation, so Task mining data and analytics can be used. Task mining and artificial intelligence can suggest the best steps to complete the task. However, there are GDPR concerns during task mining. It records the actions performed on the computer. Thus, they allow people to restrict the recorded applications or actions. Another approach, task recording, has people open and record the steps of the task. This gives users more control and only records actions when they want to.


    Process automation is one of the dynamically developing industries of our time.
    Birth of processes and early developments
    In 1776, Adam Smith had the idea that by breaking work into small parts, you could improve performance and reduce costs. Smaller components of the work required specialists. In 1911, Frederick Winslow Taylor used a stopwatch to record the time spent on each task and wrote down the structured division of management and employees. In 1913, Henry Ford applied Taylor’s ideas to develop the first moving assembly line. With the help of the assembly line, Ford reduced the time it took to build a car.
    Formal process development methods
    The US and others helped Japan recover after the war by employing experts. Japanese manufacturers have raised the efficiency of the processes to a high level. They worked with the following techniques:
    He introduced the technique in the Japanese industry in the 1950s. PDCA stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act. It is an iterative process control and improvement technique. Its essence:

    • define business goals and processes to achieve results (plan).
    • implement the plan (Do it)
    • verification of data and results (investigation)
    • improve the process based on the data (action or modification)
    • Continue from the beginning

    Six Sigma – DMAIC
    Six Sigma is a process method developed in the United States at Motorola in the late 1980s. It focuses on finding and eliminating process causes and errors. The goal is to ensure error-free performance.
    DMAIC is an acronym:

    • Definition: Define the problem.
    • Action: Quantify the problem
    • Analysis: Identifying the cause
    • Fix: Resolve the root cause and check for improvement
    • Control: Monitor and continuously improve

    It is a data-driven cycle for improving, optimizing and stabilizing business processes.
    Lean Six Sigma
    As the name suggests, this method combines the best of Lean and Six Sigma. A system to remove waste and reduce process changes. It helps reduce process errors and waste and provides a framework for development.
    Process Mining – Process Improvement with Data
    Based on IBM research. Event data from the systems can help to better understand the processes.  Process mining uses data from computer logs to visualize processes. It then highlights discrepancies and potential gaps. With process mining, the practical method for applying data-centric analysis was born.
    Process development with automation
    Automation of computer work in the 2010s. For example, Blue Prism and UiPath used “software bots” to automate tasks. These Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tools can be used to automate repetitive tasks. Process mining helps identify processes that can be automated. It can identify processes with few deviations but that are repeated. Process mining and related techniques, together with RPA, have been put at the service of process development. RPA mimics the actions that people perform on computers using screens. Process mining uses backend event logs and databases. So there is a lack of artificial intelligence information that can help RPA. Companies have developed a way to analyze desktop screen data to understand processes.

    How to proceed with software robots? Future?

    Software robots using fuzzy logic are advanced, which is the “hallway” of machine learning. In my opinion artificial intelligence is currently not available due to the chaotic changes in legislation. Automation software needs no rest. Because you can work on multiple operations at once, it is important to respond and respond to requests 24 hours a day when they arise.
    There are different types of RPA automation.
    Different types are better suited for certain operations. Each has advantages and disadvantages.
    Business Process Automation (BPA)
    It refers to automation and integration between different technical systems. Mainly these systems are the protocol / API that allows you to call systems in the background. It is important because if the operation can be done in the background, it is executed faster, with less possibility of error and more accurate, since it does not depend on the user.
    Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
    RPA is the automation of an existing user interface. The advantage is that the existing software can be kept and no other applications are needed. An API automation tool may use the same user interface as a human on a computer. With this step, you are closer to automating everyday tasks.
    File Transfer (MFT)
    At the heart of File Transfer is a file transfer integration hub that supports various protocols for incoming and outgoing communications.
    My Excel or RPA software robots?

    RPA Robotic Process Automation

    Elena RPA

    Excel applications are one of the most popular office tools today. It helps employees in many fields and is used by more than 800 million users every day. To automate Excel, it is generally worth using macros, if the work does not only have to be done within Excel then it is worth using my RPA software robots. It ensures absolute accuracy. Because the system of my software robots always strictly follows the rules during the work process. My RPA software robots can aggregate data on different platforms. For example, to collect data from competitors. In the future, managers can come up with new business strategies. The RPA software automation robot I created can call macros recorded in excel. My RPA software robots can have different tasks and functions, so a complete system can be created. The work of preparing Excel documents requires a lot of concentration from the employees. They cannot miswrite any information in the document. Employees will feel pressured to do this boring job every day. The data entered into Excel is efficiently managed by my RPA software robot and can significantly reduce common errors in Excel. With the introduction of Robotic Process Automation, i.e. my RPA software robot, you can analyze data more accurately and efficiently. My RPA software robot can be easily integrated with other software to improve data processing performance. My RPA software robot can efficiently analyze data and create detailed reports. My RPA robot software can effectively collect real-time data.

    In the world, RPA is…

    More than 50% of healthcare providers are already using RPA. These providers have discovered that RPA can result in cost savings of 30-50% compared to manual data entry and processing tasks. The popularity of intelligent automation technology lies in its ability to free up human labor by providing a “digital worker” that works exactly like humans, entering, organizing and moving data points across a computer screen, yet with pinpoint accuracy. The digital worker performs tasks suitable for machines that do not require human intervention. Solutions such as AI and RPA are not able to make complex decisions and conclusions, so people have to perform those higher-value tasks, for AI e.g. lacks empathy or care for the patient. The ultimate goal of machines is just to get the job done. In healthcare, missed appointments cost the healthcare industry billions of dollars every year. RPA robots simplify the process, they can accurately schedule meetings, search waiting lists for available times, all this 24 hours a day. If important information is needed to schedule the meeting, the software robot collects and records it. 75% of patients are happy with appointments available 24 hours a day. The software bot can send out the appropriate pre-visit forms and direct the completed forms to the right person at the right place. Automation is not a panacea for healthcare IT, but it is a key resource. Unfortunately, we are not there yet in Hungary for two reasons, the first is the cheapness of labor, and the majority of healthcare workers are not economists, and they are not even interested in profitability (which is what they get their salary from), but whatever is delayed does not matter.

    Of interest are the possibilities of using RPA in paying healthcare

    Use case Description Effect
    📋 Record patient data Automating patient data updates RPA improves data accuracy, simplifies and increases patient safety.
    💼 Claim processing Automatic Claims Verification RPA reduces errors, speeds up payments to insurers.
    💵 Account automation Generate automated invoices RPA accelerates billing cycles.
    📅 Appointment schedule and reminders Automated appointment booking and reminder notifications RPA optimizes scheduling, reduces the number of no-shows.
    💉Medical coding and documentation Automated coding and documentation of medical procedures RPA improves accuracy, reduces insurance denials.
    💻EESZT integration and data migration Automated integration of electronic health records RPA improves data accuracy.
    📄The insurance entitlement Checking health insurance eligibility RPA improves monetization.
    🔄Pre-authorization processing Automated processing of referrals RPA simplifies workflows.
    💰 Revenue cycle management Financial automation of healthcare RPA optimizes revenue cycles.
    📥Patient registration and admission Automated patient registration RPA improves data accuracy, improves patient satisfaction.
    💊Prescription Automated processing of recipes RPA improves efficiency.
    ⏳ Managing waiting lists Automation of appointment waiting lists RPA improves appointment utilization.
    📊Clinical Data Extraction Automated extraction of clinical data RPA accelerates data analysis.
    🔬Lab test results processing Processing of laboratory test results RPA reduces errors.
    📝Patient feedback Automated collection of patient feedback RPA improves patient satisfaction and generates actionable improvements.
    🔒Health Compliance Automatically check regulatory compliance RPA reduces compliance risks.
    💊Drug consultation Automated medication reconciliation RPA increases patient safety.
    🗃️Get medical records Automatic retrieval of medical records RPA improves access to data.
    👥Referral coordination Automated coordination and tracking of patient referrals RPA reduces delays.
    💼Health Insurance Claims Settlement Automated reconciliation of health insurance claims RPA improves payment accuracy.
    ❌ In case of denial of insurance Automated handling of insurance claim rejections RPA improves claims settlement with its own funding.
    📋Discharge of the patient and follow-up Automated discharge processes and follow-up RPA reduces errors and improves patient experience.
    🏥 Remote patient monitoring Automated remote monitoring of patients’ health RPA reduces hospital visits, improves care efficiency and improves patient monitoring.
    📦Health care supply chain management Automated management of healthcare supply chains RPA optimizes inventory levels.
    💻Patient portal management and support Automated management and support for patient portals RPA enhances patient engagement, improves self-service capabilities, and simplifies operations.
    📞Telehealth appointment scheduling Automated scheduling and coordination of telehealth visits RPA improves access to care.

    Is RPA good for everything?

    Not at all. RPA is primarily process automation and secondarily programming. You have to think about the processes, you have to visualize them, and then you have to “chew” them, does it make sense, does automation bring benefits. It often happens that RPA, i.e. software robot, is not necessary for the automation of the given process, it can be solved better and more precisely with batch files or API automation, etc. The point is to first visualize the problematic process.

    RPA Process Mapping?

    Showus Lets you easily display your keystrokes while recording screencasts.
    How to Screen Record in Windows 10 or Windows 11? Hit the Windows Key + Alt + R to start screen recording. A small recording widget showing how long you’ve been recording appears somewhere on the screen, most likely in a corner.

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